Extension Publications and Videos

Peer-reviewed extension publications on management of blackleg and soft rot: 

Links to a new video series on blackleg and soft rot for potato growers:

Written  publications:

Best Management Practices for Dickeya in Potato Production Fields in the  Northeast (Cornell University)

Tuber Soft Rot, Blackleg, and Aerial Stem Rot  (Michigan State University)

Best Management Practices for Soft Rot Associated with Dickeya in Potatoes   (Pennsylvania State University)

Dickeya dianthicola and Pectobacterium parmentieri (Pectobacterium wasabiae) on Potatoes  (University of Maine)

Dickeya Dianthicola in the Production of Herbaceous Ornamentals  (North Carolina State University)

Potato, Blackleg (University of Massachusetts)

Minituber Production in Greenhouses – Management of Diseases, Insects and Physiological Disorders (Colorado State University)